Description Price
balboa-heights-canal-zone-1949-panama-canal-official-postal-cover CANAL ZONE: BALBOA HEIGHTS 1949 POSTMASTER OFFICIAL MAIL COVER TO SALEM MASS

Official use only postal cover.

austria-offices-in-turkey-early-overprint-stamps-on-cover AUSTRIA: OFFICES IN TURKEY EARLY OVERPRINTS ON CONSTANTINOPLE REGISTERED COVER

Scott #34 and #35 stamps on this cover.  Note that one stamp is missing. Registered cover to Boston MA from P deAndria & Co. The company motto was "A splendid collection of Turkish carpets, excellent in style and quality”. Note seal on the back.

ireland-1986-statesmen-series-first-day-cover IRELAND: 1986 STATESMEN SERIES UNADDRESSED FIRST DAY CACHET COVER

Clean unaddressed first day cover. 

mongolia-1980-souvenir-cover-with-good-stamps MONGOLIA 1980 SOUVENIR COVER WITH TWO GOOD STAMPS. SEE SCANS.

Clean cachet cover.

ryukyu-islands-3-first-day-covers RYUKYU ISLANDS: 3 FIRST DAY COVERS - 1969 AND 1971. SEE SCANS.

Fresh and clean.

canada-scott-ux3-mint-and-used-postal-cards CANADA: SCOTT UX3 POSTAL CARDS MINT AND USED. SEE SCANS

Two very fine examples of this historic postal card.

monts-indre-et-loire-1937-duke-of-windsor-wedding-cover FRANCE: MONTS INDRE et LOIRE 1937 DUKE OF WINDSOR WEDDING FIRST DAY COVER

In addition to being an attractive cover, it is franked by a desirable Scott #B46 semipostal stamp.  

us-1900s-postage-due-stamps-on-4-covers US EARLY 1900S POSTAGE DUE STAMPS ON 4 COVERS. AUXILIARY MARKS. SEE TEXT

Four clean covers with good stamps/postal stationery, and early deep-claret postage due stamps. Good catalog value with premium for on-cover.  Note auxiliary marks and RARE New York College postmerk on 1906 cover.

germany-american-zone-censor-cover-to-usa-scott-556-stamp GERMANY: AMERICAN ZONE CENSOR COVER TO NEW YORK CITY. SCOTT #556 1 MARK STAMP

Light postmark along with censor mark and appropriate tape.  

massachusetts-greenfield-1942-boston-and-maine-railroad-cover-with-perfin-stamps MASSACHUSETTS: GREENFIELD 1942 BOSTON & MAIN RAILROAD COVER WITH PERFIN STAMPS

10ct Prexy pair and Liberty Defense single all with B&M railroad perfins on official railroad cover with corner card.  In addition, registered mail cover. Cover addressed to Belmont, MA.  No content.

