Letter to Phineas Wheeler in Newport New Hampshire from his brother G. W. "Last night a few minutes before eleven o'clock i was awakened by the cry of fire and ringing of the bell. After rubbing my eyes and looking about to see my room was yet safe, I got up and looked out the window but could see no appearance of fire. However as the bell continued to ring I concluded to go down and take a few observations relative to the symptoms of the case. On my way downstairs came in contact with _____________ who informed me that 'twas Mr. Grant's house at the upper end of the plain'. After disengaging myself and beginning to feel somewhat in haste I hurried to the far end of the plain amidst all the tumult necessary by attendant on such scenes. It did me good to use the (looks like) neferra, grunting away at the rate of ten or twelve knots an hour at the bucket...". Additional family news completes the letter.