Historic cover. Reverse printing on light red pattern cover (printing is on address side only) from counselor at law H. Bucher Swoope, Clearfield, PA. Swoope was a prominent citizen of Clearfield. Cover is addressed to B. (Bryant) D. Schoonover who was born in 1831 and passed away in Clearfield in 1908. He was also prominent in Clearfield and was married to Lavina Kyler. The all-over advertising on the cover may be hard to see in the scan, but is clear when you have the cover in front of you. Partial Clearfield handstamp postmark. Historic item.
Henry Bucher Swoope
Noted events in his life were: • Residence, 1856, Curwensville, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA. • Occupation: United States District Attorney, 1869-1874. He was appointed by President Grant. • Book: Twentieth Century History of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, 1911. • Honors, 1926, Mercersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA. The Henry Bucher Swoope Carillon was first played by Anton Brees on the evening of October 12, 1926 at Mercersburg Academy. Now 49 bells, the original carillon; made in 1926, comprised 43 bells. They ranged in size from the 10 pound G bell to the 7,168 pound B-flat bell. The largest twenty bells bear inscriptions in Latin and English. Melted into their ore are copper coins collected worldwide by alumni and friends of the school, as well as pieces of shell gathered by alumni from the fields of France in World War I; metal from Old Ironsides and Admiral Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar, The Victory; and a shaving from the Liberty Bell. • Henry married Susannah Patton Irvin, daughter of William Irvin and Jane Patton, on 6 Sep 1855 in Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA. (Susannah Patton Irvin was born in 1830 in , Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA and died in 1880 in , Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, USA.) |