
New Hampshire

Letter is from Mary Chapman addressed to her brother (and sister) John Chapman, Benton, Missouri. Dateline is July 25, 1845 (from postmark and dateline) and the 10-cent rate represents a discount for the distance that went into effect July 1. Writer probably took advantage of the lower rate to communicate with his brother and sister. Only tear is where seal was broken.  A rare item.

Letter is very interesting. There was a delay in receiving a letter from John and Mary writes that they were concerned.  John has been ill and Mary writes: :Father says you must get some Medicamentum drops. He thinks it will help you of the colick (sic). Be sure and get some if you can." John apparently has a business that is not doing well as Mary has enclosed $20. "Father is very anxious to go to you but his health is such that it would not be prudent for him to start to long a journey, but he has twenty dollars put into this sheet for you. He does not dare risk more for fear it will be lost...We miss one from our family circle here...Her death was very sudden and unexpected but she was perfectly willing to go and I think died happy." She continues, "The weather here is quite cool. The air seems quite pure and wholesome as it blows into the window against my face." She exhorts John to head home where she is certain he will recover quickly. Nostalgically she writes: "I went up to the trees where you and John wrote your names a few days since. They are mostly obliterated by time but still we can read it." Excellent two-page missive.