1913 Brooklyn New York cover is addressed to Rev. J. Andrew Hall, M.D., Union Mission Hospital, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Hall (1867-1960) was a Presbyterian clergyman assigned to the hospital at the time. The Barr-Fyke receiver is listed in Hanmer as Rare with the explanation "perhaps a dozen or two known". Since this "dozen or two" covers all of the United States and territories, it is possible the Manila, P.I., mark is unique. Added to this lot is a 1918 Barry-Fyke flag receiver mark, also with a Manila, P.I., with a Nov 8, 1918 date. This was sent to Baptist Minister R. C. Thomas who was also serving at the Union Mission Hospital at the time. That receiver mark is also extremely difficult to find. This is a bonanza for Receiver Mark collectors, Baptist and Presbyterian missionary mail collectors and philatelists in general.