Extremely clean printed notice from the Wiscasset clerk (E. B. Bowman) to the constables of the Town of Warren directing them to notify "freeholders and other inhabitants to vote in the choice of Representatives, and particularly the Selectmen and Town Clerk, to assemble, six days, at least, and not more than twenty days before the time for holding the Court hereafter mentioned, at a certain place, there by you made known, to appoint as the law directs, by drawng out of the box one good and lawful man of the said Town of Warren of like qualification and good moral character to serve as Traverse Juror at the Supreme Judicial Court of this state..." See scans for entire document. Signatures include Bowman; George Reed, Traverse Juror; and C. B Fisher, constable of Boothbay. The postmark is an error postmark listed in ASCC. Strong blue Wiscassett postmark along with lighter large numeral 5 rate mark.